Frequently Asked Questions
The Camden County College Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) has been designed to provide a contingency plan for Camden County College students, administrators, faculty and staff, and the College community in order to plan for campus emergencies. While the response plan does not cover every conceivable situation, it does supply the basic administrative guidelines necessary to cope with most campus emergencies.
There are Emergency Operation Centers located at the Public Safety Department on each Camden County College campus. Their purpose is to establish a central command and control facility responsible for carrying out emergency management and ensuring the continuity of operations. Our Incident Management Team and Public Safety staff is trained in Incident Command and their roles and responsibilities. The Campus EOC is responsible for the strategic overview and coordination of the disaster.
Camden County College has a variety of training that they provide our College Community in the event there is an emergency situation on our campuses. Our employees receive E-Safety training on several safety and health topics. Each of our departments has personalized training for its faculty and staff. Departmental Supervisors and Executive staff participate in tabletop exercises to enhance their general awareness, validate our plans and procedures, rehearse concepts, and evaluate a need assessment on the types of systems needed to guide the prevention of, protection from, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from emergency incidents that may occur on our campuses.
“Cougar Call” is Camden County College’s emergency notification system providing phone and text messages in the event of an emergency and to broadcast important information including weather-related closings to the College community.
Every student is automatically subscribed to “Cougar Call” when registering for classes. Any time a student’s contact information changes, the student must update the system through Self Service. The student may opt out at any time.
It is recommended that students check their wireless phone provider regarding costs for incoming text or phone messages. The College is not responsible for any extra costs incurred as a result of receiving notifications via phone, e-mail or text. All information provided is completely confidential.
For questions about the “Cougar Call” system, please call the Department of Public Safety at (856) 374-5089. If you are not receiving messages send an e-mail to publicsafety@tsunoi-toso.com.
The call boxes phones in the building and Blue Light phones around campus are used to report medical emergencies, reports of suspicious activities, crimes in progress, or any emergency situation. The Campus Security Blue phones have a blue light above them for easy identification. These phones will dial directly into the Public Safety Department. The dispatcher will identify the location of the phone being used and will dispatch police and Public Safety Officers as necessary.
Camden County College has established that people have a right to have a lawful assembly of persons who have organized primarily to engage in a First Amendment activity on our campuses. Camden County College requests that persons hosting a protest or demonstration contact the Public Safety Department or the Student Affairs office so that we can review your event planning information and seek approval for the event. Camden County College urges all persons who are involved in the assembly to be peaceful and not disruptive to the College campus and community.
Our College community should understand that most campus demonstrations are peaceful and business should continue as usual on our campuses. Our College community should avoid provoking or obstructing the demonstrators and avoid the area of the disturbance. We engage our college community to continue with their normal routine and stay away from doors or windows if the disturbance is outside.
The College will post Closing Information at the top of the college homepage and on social media. Additional closing information can be found at http://e6sk.tsunoi-toso.com/about-1/school-closing-information/.
Camden County College experiences a fairly moderate climate in New Jersey with cold winters and warm, humid summers. The state's temperature ranges from a July average of 23 degrees Celsius (74 degrees Fahrenheit) to – 1 degree Celsius (30 degrees Fahrenheit in January). Our annual snowfall averages about 16 inches of snow. Flanked by the Atlantic Ocean and the Delaware River severe storms can occur throughout the year such as heavy snow, rain, hurricane, tornado, and high winds.
The Camden County College community should always monitor Current Weather and Traffic situations.